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STOICAL - STack Oriented Interactive Compiler Adapted to Linux.

27 April 2002 Copyright (c) Jonathan Moore Liles.


Table of Contents

2. Introduction

	2.1. The Dictionary
	2.2. The Stack
	2.3. The STOICAL Compiler
	2.3.1. Memory Garbage Collection

	2.3.2. Type Checking

3. Programming In STOICAL

	3.1. Syntax

	3.2. Colon Definitions
		3.2.1. Recursion
		3.2.2. Type Checking
	3.3. Control Structures

		3.3.1. Clauses
		3.3.2. Conditionals
		3.3.3. Iteration Parenthesis Loops { ... }UNTIL and { ... }WHILE{ ... } Loops BEGIN ... END Loops LOOP{ ... } Loops DO Loops
		3.3.4. Nesting And Line Continuation

	3.4. Regular Expressions

		3.4.1. Quoting
		3.4.2. Matching
		3.4.3. Substitution
		3.4.4. The EXpression Modifier


	3.6. Data. Definition, Instantiation, And Usage.

		3.6.1. Constants
		3.6.2. Variables
		3.6.3. Arrays Syntax Definition and Initialization Access

		3.6.4. Associative Arrays (Hahses) Hash Tables Overview Syntax Definition and Initialization Access Key iteration

	3.7. Using The Dictionary

		3.7.1. Scope Definitions
		3.7.2. Vocabularies and Branches

	3.8. Input/Output

		3.8.1. I/O Abstraction
		3.8.2. Terminal
		3.8.3. Files Directories

		3.8.4. Sockets Incoming Outgoing

	3.9. Environment

	3.10. Threads
		3.10.1. Creation
		3.10.2. Data Consistency

		3.10.3. Destruction

10. Portability

	10.1. Compiler
	10.2. Source

11. Glossary

	11.1. Symbols.
	11.2. Terms.

2. Introduction

2.1. The Dictionary

The core data structures of STOICAL, called vocabularies, are doubly linked
lists of entries called words. Each word contains a name field, type field,
code pointer field, and pointers to the words behind and ahead of it in the
list. Word entries also contain a variable sized stack for garbage collection,
called the collectables stack. Entries on this stack contain pointers to
memory to be dealt with, as well as pointers to handler routines needed to
free said memory. Finally, word entries contain another variable length
field, called the parameter field (or parm). This field is used to store the
content or meaning of the word. For colon definitions (subroutines) it contains
the instructions to executed. While, for variables, it contains the variable

The dictionary is the collective contents of all the vocabularies listed on the
vocabulary stack (vstack) at any one time. When performing a dictionary lookup,
each vocabulary on the vstack is searched, beginning with the topmost, and
ending when the first match is found. When a word is redefined, instead of
removing the old version, STOICAL simply appends the new entry onto the end of
the current vocabulary. Therefore, when new definitions refer to this word,
they are referring to the most recent instance of it in the first vocabulary
in which it could be located. Words that were defined before this change will
continue to access the old version of the word. 

Words are the basic units, or atoms, of STOICAL. All of the operators built
into the language are, in fact, just words defined in the STOICAL< vocabulary.
Some are defined with compiler generated machine code, while others have
high-level definitions. This design allows the programmer the freedom to
completely redefine the language at runtime.

2.2. The Stack

In STOICAL words interact with each other by passing values across the
parameter stack. A stack is a LIFO, or last in first out, buffer in memory.
Words receive their arguments by popping values off the stack and return
results by pushing values back onto it. Similar stacks exist in infix computer
languages (such as C), though they are hidden from the user; A situation that
is far from optimal.

Due to STOICAL's use of a stack for communication, the choice of Reverse Polish
Notation syntax is obvious. Most people will recognize Reverse Polish, or
postfix, from a series of calculators manufactured by Hewlett Packard.  In
postfix notation both operands precede their operator. The operator simply
pops each operand from the stack and then pushes back the result of its
calculation. Because of this method, postfix notation eliminates the need for
unsightly parenthesis.

notation		expression			Expressive Notations
Postfix			a b + c * d +
Infix			(a + b) * c + d

2.3. The STOICAL Compiler

This section describes the very specific inner workings of the compiler. As
STOICAL is still a very new language, I have not now, and may never complete
this section. Those interested in such matters are urged to read the compiler
source code.

3. Programming in STOICAL

3.1. Syntax

STOICAL has been blessed with a syntax that is simple, graceful, and most
importantly, comprehensible. You'll certainly never find yourself wondering
about operator precedence or throwing in parenthesis 'just in case'. 

In STOICAL a line of source is made up of literals or names of words delimited
by spaces or tabs, and terminated with a newline.  The compiler's outer loop
consists of instructions to read in the next line of input, compile it into
pseudo instructions, stack those instructions  onto a temporary stack called
the compile stack or cstack, and finally execute the compiled code. This method
is known as Incremental Compilation. In the case of commands that must span
multiple lines a nesting depth is employed to delay execution until the entire
command has been entered. An example of this situation would be colon
definitions or looping constructs.

3.2. Colon definitions

Colon definitions are used to compile new words into the dictionary. The effect
of this is similar to that of function or procedure definitions in other
languages. New words are defined in terms of other, already defined words,
and string and number literals. Below is an example of a colon definition's 

	'name : word1 word2 ... wordN ;

In this example 'name is a string literal representing a name for the new word.
This name is taken as an argument by the word : (colon). Colon creates an
entry in the dictionary for the new word, and copies into it the compiled code
up to ; (semicolon). Upon invocation of the new word, all of its component
words will be executed in order just as if they had been typed in at the
command line. Colon definitions raise the nesting level, and can therefore span
across multiple lines. 

Words are only compiled once during the process of their definition. This is
in contrast to interpretive languages, where source lines must be recompiled
every time they are executed. All of this combines to make an environment in
which the overhead for subroutine invocation so low it need not concern the

3.2.1. Recursion

Words can invoke themselves in a tail-recursive fashion by calling the word
REDO. Since tail-recursion is just a fancy way of defining a loop, all that
REDO has to do is jump back to the first instruction of the colon definition
from which it was called. eg.,

	'foo : 1 = redo ;
Alternatively, RECURSE word can be used to build real recursive calls. However,
one must bear in mind that a routine can only enter as many levels of recursion
as the return stack is deep. This may change in the future. Below is an example
of this type of recursion.

	'factorial : dup 1 ne if dup 1- recurse * then ;

3.2.2. Type-checking

STOICAL provides facilities for Dynamic Passive Type-checking. The system is
passive because only words explicitly defined as requiring type-checking will
incur any reduction in performance, and it is dynamic because all type-checking
occurs at runtime.

The :( ): words and the TYPES< vocabulary are used together to specify which
types, and in which order, a word should accept. For instance, the example word
defined below accepts a STRING at Next To Top of stack, and a FLOAT at Top.

	'foo :( s f ): ... ;

The TYPES< vocabulary contains constants that map type names to their numeric
values. The the word :( pushes this vocabulary onto the vocabulary stack to
expose the names during definition. Both the abbreviated and verbose type
names may be used here. Below is a list of the short and long names:

short		long
*		bah	( don't care )
f		float
s		string
r		reference
p		pointer
io		stream 	( file / socket )
a		array
h		hash 
c		clause

If upon invocation the stack contents do not match any of a word's clauses,
then word BADTYPE will be executed. The default behavior of BADTYPE is to print
an appropriate error message and call ABORT.  Definitions may be overloaded by
defining them again with distinct types, of the same depth. ie.,

	'foo :( s f ): ... ;
	'foo :( f s ): ... ;

Defines the word FOO to take two different courses of action, based on the
contents of the stack at runtime. (You may have already noticed that several of
STOICAL's core words are overloaded in this fashion.)

The * type is used in cases where it is preferable to ignore the type of one or
more cells and still check the others. The example below ignores both TOS and
TOS-1, allowing execution to pivot only on TOS-2.

	'bar :( s * * ): ... ;

The type * effectively takes precedence over all other types, so it should only
be used at the end of series. ie.,

	'foo :( s f ): ... ;
	'foo :( * f ): ... ;

The current depth limit on type-checking is four cells. In practice this is
more than enough; Words that accept more than four distinctly typed cells
should be re-factored. (If you were to ask Chuck Moore, he'd say that this is

3.3. Control Structures

3.3.1. Clauses

Clauses are the underlying structure from which all conditional and iterative
constructs are built. Even colon definitions are implemented through clauses.

A clause can be thought of as a nameless word that executes in the caller's
scope. The default behavior of a clause, like a word, is simply to execute
itself. The conditional operators can change this behavior at compile time,
arranging for a clause to be executed conditionally, or even many times in

The { and } words are used to define clauses. In the example below we define
a clause that, when executed, prints the text "foo" onto the terminal.

	{ 'foo = }

The open-brace ({) set of words all operate on clauses. For example we might
use the word {if to conditionally execute our clause:

	true {if { 'foo = }

Of course, the reason {IF isn't just named IF, is that we must define IF to
behave just as it did in the original STOIC. To ameliorate this awkwardness, as
well as finger work, STOICAL defines the word IF{ as "{IF {".

	true if{ 'foo = }

Is equivalent to the former example.

In fact, IF is simply an alias for IF{. Similarly, THEN is an alias for }.
This allows the original STOIC conditional syntax to be used. ie.,

	true if 'foo = then

The use of clauses greatly simplifies the work of the compiler as compared to
the original STOIC implementation. It is not necessary however that you use the
new syntax in order to reap its rewards.

3.3.2. Conditionals

STOCIAL currently supports both clause style and IF ... ELSE ... THEN style
conditionals, as well as a plethora of operators for comparing and manipulating
the values passed to these constructs. Conditionals may be nested, providing
that a conditional beginning within other clauses also end in the same clause.
The four forms of 'IF' constructs follow:

	(expression) IF{ true clause }
	(expression) IF true clause THEN

In the above example, the true clause will be executed only if the expression
is not equal to the value of FALSE. THEN can be thought of as 'endif' in other
languages. Note that IF, just like most other words, pops the topmost value
from the stack. If the value of the expression needs to be used again later
it should be DUPlicated before making the comparison.

	(expression) IF{ true clause }else{ false clause }
	(expression) IF true clause ELSE false clause THEN

Here, if the expression is FALSE, STOICAL will execute the false clause instead
of performing no operation. Otherwise, the true clause will be executed.

3.3.3. Iteration Parenthesis Loops

The parenthesis loop is used to iterate over a clause a given number of times:

	{expression} ( {iteration clause} )

The expression will be taken as a repeat count for the loop. A zero or negative
expression will cause the loop to be skipped over entirely. { ... }UNTIL and { ... }WHILE{ ... } Loops

The { ... }UNTIL construct is used in situations where a clause must be
executed until some condition is met:

	{ clause }until

In the above example the clause is executed, and the resultant expression is
compared to the value of FALSE. If they are equal, then the the process repeats
itself ad infinitum. Otherwise, the loop is terminated and execution continues
at the word following }UNTIL.

Similarly, the expression may be evaluated at the beginning of the iteration
through the used of the { ... }WHILE{ ... } construction.

	{ expression }WHILE{ clause }

Here, the expression is evaluated, and the loop is terminated if it is equal to
FALSE. Otherwise, the process repeats itself. BEGIN ... END Loops

The BEGIN ... END constructs behavior is identical to the { ... }UNTIL
construct.  For example the following are equivalent:

	begin ... expression end
	{ ... expression }until LOOP{ ... } Loops.

LOOP{ loops can be used in situations where a clause must be executed repeatedly
while running an index from an lower limit to an upper limit. The LOOP{ loop can
appear in one of the two following forms:

	(upper limit) (lower limit) LOOP{ clause }

	(upper limit) (lower limit) +LOOP{ clause ... increment }

LOOP{ loops use the loop stack, or lstack, to hold their limits and current
index.  Therefore, it is important that if the clause is to modify the loop
stack, that it also restore it to the state it was in upon entry. Within all
indexed looping constructs the word I, a mnemonic for Index, will push a copy
of the current index onto the parameter stack. ie.,

	10 0 loop{ i = }

Will produce the output:

	0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9

Along with I, STOICAL provides the traditional J and K for indices of the
encompassing loops. The reverse of the index may be obtained by prefixing the
index word with a minus sign. ie.,

	10 0 loop{ -i = }


	9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Additionally, you may cause any index loop to unconditionally terminate upon
its next iteration by invoking the word BREAK. ie.,

	10 0 loop{ i = break }


+LOOP{ is similar to LOOP{, except that, instead of incrementing the index by
one on each iteration, it increments it by the value of increment (TOS). DO Loops

DO Loops are provided for compatibility with the original STOIC. A DO loop can
take one of the two following forms.

	(upper limit) (lower limit) DO clause LOOP
	(upper limit) (lower limit) DO clause ... increment +LOOP

3.3.4 Nesting Depth And Line Continuation

During compilation STOICAL tracks the nesting depth of the expression being
evaluated. The words +CHECK and -CHECK are used to raise and lower the depth,
respectively. A syntax error is generated if the nesting depth ever becomes
negative. The current nesting depth is reported by the input prompt when source
is being read from the terminal.

After STOICAL has finished compiling a line of source code it checks the
nesting depth; if it is zero, the line is executed. Otherwise, compilation
continues with the next line. This allows colon definitions and other
'containing' constructs to span across multiple lines of input.

Execution may be delayed even if the nesting depth is zero by invoking the word
"^". The practical use of "^" involves some idiosyncrasies of the compiler
design. Specifically, because the compile stack is cleared and reused for each
non-nested line input. This means that string literals pushed onto the stack
from a line point to locations in the compile stack that are overwritten by the
next line, causing future references to that string to return undefined
results. To avoid this behavior, "^" is used to join the lines, causing them to
share the compile stack. ie.,

	"I'm a rather long string that might take up an entire line." ^

	I'm a rather long string that might take up an entire line.
Note that this issue only applies to literal strings at nesting depth zero.
Literal strings within loops or definitions behave as is expected, as do
dynamic strings, such as the result of a concatenation.

3.4. Regular Expressions

STOICAL includes support for the POSIX Regular Expression (regex) pattern
matching facility; A truly striking feature for a stack based language.

The following sections will attempt to describe the syntax and semantics of
regex handling in STOICAL. However, they do not explain regular expressions
themselves. For this information please read the regex(7) man page.

3.4.1. Quoting

The quoting semantics of regular expressions in STOICAL are nearly identical
to that of strings. A regular expression is delimited by enclosing it inside
of vertical bars (|). In order to use a vertical bar inside the expression
you must escape it with a backslash character, ie., "\|". A Regular expression
entered in this way will only be compiled once. In order do generate dynamic
regex patterns you must enter the expression as a string and then invoke the
MATCH word. This will be slower however because of the extra computation
necessary to recompile the expression every time it is used.

3.4.2. Matching

A quoted regular expression can be thought of as a normal word; It takes as
an argument the string value on top of the stack, and returns a series of
strings representing the sub-patterns that matched, followed by a number
indicating how many matches could be made. The maximum number of sub-matches
returned can be affected by altering the value of the #MATCH variable.

Here are a few examples of regex's in use:

	"I'm placing a string on top of the stack" ^

	"string" 1
If there is no match the only value left on the stack will be zero, also known

3.4.3. Substitution

The use of regular expressions for substitution is only slightly different from
that of normal matching; Substitutions require an additional argument, a normal
string representing the replacement. This replacement string may contain back
references to the sub-patterns matched by the regular expression; Back
references in the replacement string consist of the backslash (\) character
followed by a single digit between 0 and 9. Zero represents the entire matching
portion of the string, while 1 through 9 represent sub matches 1 through 9,

A substitution is declared by supplying the X word with the S flag. Below is
an example of substitution:

	"may he live long, and may he love none." ^
	's\0 x s |he|


	"may she live long, and may he love none." 1

Notice that, only the first occurrence of "he" was matched, and therefore
replaced. This behavior can be altered by supplying X with the G, or Global
flag. ie,

	"Wicked, shallow waters in my mind; Suffering and in my mind." ^
	'her x sg |my|


	"Wicked, shallow waters in her mind; Suffering and in her mind." 2

3.4.4. The EXpression Modifier

As you have seen in the other examples, the word "x" is used to modify the
behavior of an expression. It accepts a bare string of single character flags
to its right hand side. These may be:

(Note that "x" is a rather poor mnemonic for eXpression.) 

flag	meaning						Expression Modifiers
b	use basic regex syntax instead of extended
s	perform substitution
i	ignore case
g	match globally (match all occurrences)
m	treat as multiple lines
n	need not return the matches, just a boolean

These may be specified in any order; Ambiguous conditions will yield to the
the right most flag. 


When the word "%" is encountered during compilation it causes the remainder
of the line it appears on to be ignored. Note that "%", is a word just like
everything else, and must be surrounded by white space in order to be recognized
as such. ie.,

	1 2 + =		% valid comment.
	%invalid comment.

In order to support Unix shell magic, STOICAL defines the word "#!" as a
synonym for "%". Therefore, the interpreter line in a STOICAL source file
should look like:

	#! /usr/local/bin/stoical

3.6. Data. Definition, Instantiation, And Usage.

3.6.1. Constants

A constant is a special word that, upon invocation, pushes the value with which
it was defined onto the parameter stack. Constants are defined as follows:

	{expression} 'name constant

Here expression is taken to be the value for the constant, and 'name as its

3.6.2. Variables

Variables are words that push their own address onto the parameter stack. This
address is then used by the @ (load) and ! (store) operators manipulate or
retrieve its value. The definition of a variable is similar to that of a

	{expression} 'name variable
If multi-threading is enabled, and the variable is to be accessed concurrently
by multiple threads, then it should be declared serial with the SHARED word.
SHARED affects the most recently defined word, and works on all types of
dictionary entries, even colon definitions; Though, using it for such a purpose
would be misguided at best.

3.6.3. Arrays

STOICAL provides a novel approach to indexing arrays (in a stack based
language).  This implementation is clean, obvious, and well integrated with the
rest of the system. In addition to index addressing, arrays may be manipulated
like stacks with the ]PUSH and ]POP words. In fact, internally, the only
significant difference between a stack and an array is that a stack is
anonymous and allocated automatically by the compiler. Syntax

The syntax for addressing arrays is very similar to that of variables. Except,
that an additional parameter is required for most operations. This index, or
subscript, is an integer representing a specific location in the array.
If a given index is negative, then it is taken to be an offset from the end of 
the array; ie., -1 refers to the last element of an array. It should be noted
that, beyond this, no bounds checking is performed on array indices. However,
arrays will grow and shrink as is necessary when used with the ]PUSH, ]POP,
]INSERT and ]DELETE operators. Definition And initialization

Arrays may be defined and initialized with the ARRAY word.

	{list} 'name array
The ARRAY word takes a list of initial values, along with a name for the new
array. For aesthetic reasons it is conventional to end the name of an array
with the left bracket ([). The following example will define the array foo[
with the initial values "bar" and "baz":

	[ 'bar 'baz ] 'foo[ array

(If the array is to be accessed concurrently from different threads, then it
should be declared with the SHARED word) Access

The standard variable access vocabulary is duplicated for use with arrays.
Words that operate on arrays begin with right bracket ']'. Below are a few
simple examples:

	foo[ 0 ]@

The above example will load the value of element 0 in the array foo[. Remember
that, with arrays, any resemblance to a built-in syntax is only an illusion;
These are all just regular words; Therefore the subscript can be any expression
that leaves a single integer value on the stack. This is how STOICAL supports
multi-dimensional arrays.

The following examples will illustrate the use of the stack like set of
operations available for arrays:

	1 foo[ ]push

The above appends the value 1 to the end of the array foo[, allocating
additional memory as is necessary.

	foo[ ]pop

These instructions place the last element of the array foo[ onto the parameter
stack, reducing the size of the array by one element, and freeing memory as
is necessary.

	3 foo[ 5 ]delete

The above example removes three elements from the array foo[ starting with
element 5, shifting the remaining elements over to fill the gap, and reducing
the length of the array.

	[ 'foo 'bar 'baz ] foo[ 5 ]insert

This example inserts the three elements listed into the array foo[ before
element 5, shifting the right hand portion over to make room, and increasing
the size of the array.

Due to the way STOICAL stores arrays in the dictionary, you can retrieve the
number of elements an array by simply loading it like a variable, ie.,

	foo[ ?

Will print out the number of elements in the array foo[.

3.6.4. Associative Arrays (Hashes)

STOICAL is one of the few languages to support associative arrays as a built-in
data type. Among it's peers in this respect are large, partially compiled
languages like Perl and Ruby. Associative arrays are most commonly implemented
using hash tables, hence the use of the word 'hash' throughout this document. Hash Tables Overview

Hashing is actually the process of factoring very large numbers down into much
smaller numbers of a specific length in bits and of a fairly uniform
distribution. In the case of Hash Tables, the large number, or key, is the n^8
bit value of a string of ascii characters. The hashing function will use this
key to calculate a 32 bit hash value (the small number). The purpose of the
hashing function is to fix the number of bits, while at the same time retaining
the uniqueness of the original key. It is referred to as a 'collision' when two
distinct keys hash to the same value. Collisions are handled automatically by
the internal hashing functions through queuing. The purpose of generating this
fixed size integer is that it can then be used as an index into a table. This
method allows for extremely fast searches. As, instead of linearly comparing
the key to each entry in the table, all we have to do is caluculate the hash of
the key and use that as an index.

STOICAL will automatically resize hashes as they expand and contract; However,
in order for a hash to shrink it is necessary that a program }DELETE keys that
it no longer finds interesting. Syntax 

The syntax for hashes is very similar to that of arrays. The most prominent
difference being that the load and store operators take strings representing
keys as arguments, instead of array indices. The following sections will
explain and exemplify the use of associative arrays in STOICAL. Definition And Initialization

Associative arrays may be defined and initialized with the HASH word.

	{list} 'name hash
The HASH word takes a list of initial key/value pairs, along with a name for
the new hash. For aesthetic reasons it is conventional to end the name of a
hash with the left parenthesis '('. The following example will define the hash
foo( with the initial key/value pairs of bar/1 and baz/2.

	[ 'bar 1 'baz 2 ] 'foo( hash

(If the hash is to be accessed concurrently from different threads it
should be declared with the SHARED word) Access

The standard variable access vocabulary is duplicated for use with hashes.
Words that operate on hashes begin with right paren ')'. Below are a few simple

	foo( 'bar )@
	if	'does
	else	'doesn't
	then	" exist." + =

The above example first retrieves the value of the key "bar" from the hash
"foo(". The )@ (hash load) word will return the stack marker value if the
requested key does not exist. In the example the MARK? word is used to test
for this condition.

The following example will set the value of a key, creating it if it doesn't

	3 foo( 'bar )!

The example below will delete a key and discard its value.

	foo( 'bar )delete

Interestingly, because of the way the tables are stored in the dictionary, you
can retrieve the number of keys in a hash by simply loading it like a variable.

	foo( ?

Will print out the number of keys in the hash foo(. Key Iteration:

STOICAL provides an iteration word tailored specifically to associative arrays.
The words )EACH{ creates a looping construct that will iterate over every key
in a hash. During this process the word I (index) will push a string
representing the current key onto the stack. Due to the nature of hash tables
these keys may appear to be in a random order. Below is an example of hash

	[ 'foo 1 'bar 2 'baz 3 ] 'foo( hash

	foo( )each{
		i = foo( i )?


	baz3 foo1 bar2

3.7. Using The Dictionary

As was explained in the overview section, the dictionary is the sum of its
consistent vocabularies. These vocabularies are listed on the vocabulary stack
and searched linearly, from most recent to oldest. These sections will attempt
to explain the methods for controlling this behavior to achieve specific

3.7.1. Scope

STOICAL's organization of the dictionary allows the programmer extreme
flexibility with his name space; By packaging groups of related words into
vocabularies he gains conceptual clarity, and increases code re-usability.

For example, one might create a vocabulary branch TERM< to contain a group of
terminal control words. These definitions could be stored in their own source
file, to be LOAD'ed by others without the concern of name conflicts.

In fact, the STOICAL distribution includes a library, named 'cryptic', that
implements an adaptation of Bob Spruit's Cryptic Constructs. This library can
be loaded, and its definitions exposed, by the following commands:

	'cryptic include


	> Definitions

Whenever a new word is created, its definition is appended to the vocabulary
pointed to by the variable CURRENT; This is usually, though not always, the
topmost vocabulary on the vocabulary stack. We refer to this is the current
vocabulary. The word DEFINITIONS is used to change the current vocabulary; It
sets CURRENT to point to the vocabulary on top of the vocabulary stack.

3.7.2. Vocabularies And Branches

A Branch is a word who's parameter field points to a vocabulary, and who's code
field points to instructions that push this value onto the vocabulary stack.

The BRANCH word is used to create these new vocabularies. The following example
creates a branch, FOO<, from the current vocabulary, pushes it on top of the
vocabulary stack, sets it to be the vocabulary for new definitions, defines the
word BAR into it, uses the word > to pop it off the vocabulary stack, and
finally, resets the current vocabulary.

	'foo branch
	foo< definitions
		0 'bar constant
	> definitions

Note that, even though we gave BRANCH the name FOO, the entry it created was in
fact named FOO<. This forcible behavior is an artifact of STOICAL's
predecessor, STOIC.

At this point the word BAR is not visible in the current scope. However, at any
time, the word FOO< can be used to push it back onto the vocabulary stack,
thereby making all of the words it contains visible again. ie.,

	foo< bar = >


If a branch is no longer needed it can be recursively freed with the DISREGARD
word. eg.,

	'foo< disregard

Beware of creating self referential vocabulary branches if you intend to later

3.8. Input/Output

3.8.1. I/O Abstraction

STOICAL provides a simple, yet powerful set of words to handle input and output
abstraction. The pervasive utilization of this abstraction allows program input
and output to come from almost any source; Be it a file, socket, database file,
memory region whatever else you may devise.

The interface consists of four words, along with four similarly named 
variables. The function of these words is to execute the words pointed to by
their associated variables. The words pointed to should provide the same
behavior as their models. The following is a brief description of this

name	variable	description			I/O Abstraction words
getln	(getln)		Get a line of input; A line ends with \n. If a line
			could be read, then is it returned as a new string,
			followed by TRUE.  Otherwise, only the FALSE value is
putln	(putln)		Output a line; Takes the number of bytes to output from
			the top of the stack, and a pointer to the source
			memory region at next to top.
get	(get)		Get a single character of input; Returning it as its
			ascii value.

put	(put)		Output the character value on top of the stack.


Initially the associated variables are set to point to the TTY group of words:
ttygetln, ttyputln, ttyget, and ttyput.

Since STOICAL itself used these words for I/O, the programmer is able to
redirect, filter and prepare his input however he chooses. You are encouraged
to continue this practice in your own programs.

The following example causes all line output to put filtered through a
substitutive regular expression:

	(putln) @		% Be nice and save a copy on the stack.
	'swedenlives : stype 'Volvo x sgi |ford| drop count ttyputln ;
	() swedenlives (putln) !


	(putln) !		% Restore (putln) to its original state.

3.8.2. Terminal

When the process's STDIN and STDOUT are connected to a terminal, all I/O on
STDIN and STDOUT will be unbuffered, causing GET to return a character as soon
as one is available instead of waiting for a newline. 

3.8.3. Files

STOICAL attempts to support the entire range of file operations made available
by the underlying Unix system. The degree to which this is accomplished will
increase as time goes on. 

First and foremost is the OPEN word. OPEN takes file name and a string
representing the mode in which the named file should be opened. eg.,

	'foo 'w+ open

Opens the file 'foo' for reading and writing, returning a file handle and TRUE
if the file could be opened, or FALSE if not. The file handle is used for
future I/O operations on the file, and should probably be stored in a variable.

	'foo 'r open if{ 'file variable }else{ "could not open file" = }

Once a file is open its handle can be passed to the READ and WRITE family of
words to perform actual I/O. The following example will read text into a
dynamically allocated buffer until a newline or end of file is encountered
(assuming that the variable FILE contains a valid file handle.)
	file @ readln

If the read operation was a success (not EOF) then the stack will contain a
string representing the line read followed by TRUE. Or, if the operation
failed, just the FALSE value.

The other I/O operations that may be performed include: READ, WRITE, WRITELN,
and FLUSH. Additionally, file names may be given to the word STAT to retrieve
its statistics.

When the program has finished manipulating a file it should be CLOSE'd. CLOSE
takes the file handle as its argument and returns nothing. ie.,

	file @ close Directories

The OPENDIR, READDIR, and CLOSEDIR words are used to iterate over the names in
a given directory. OPENDIR takes the name of a directory as its argument; If it
succeded, it returns a file handle representing the opened directory and the
TRUE value. Otherwise, just the FALSE value will be returned.

READDIR must be given this handle as its argument. READDIR will then return
the name of the next entry in the directory, starting with '.', and TRUE.
When after the last entry has been read, READDIR will simply return FALSE.

To finish the process, CLOSEDIR must be called with the handle as its argument.
CLOSEDIR returns nothing.

3.8.4. Sockets

Networking is truly vital in todays world, and yet completely overlooked by
most of the languages in STOICAL's family. STOICAL provides everything a
programmer may need to write full featured network applications.

Because of the abstractions in use, once created and connected or bound,
sockets behave just like ordinary files.

The SOCKET word is used to create a new endpoint. SOCKET accepts three
arguments these are its domain, type, and protocol. The table below illustrates
the values available.

example: 'inet 'stream 'tcp socket if{ 'sock variable }else{ "failed!" = }

Domain should be a string matching one of the following:

name		description
unix		local (unix) communication
inet		ipv4 protocols
inet6		ipv6 protocols
packet		low level packet interface.

Type should match one of:

name		description
stream		reliable, two-way, and connection based.
dgram		connectionless, unreliable and fixed length.
seq		a hybrid of stream and dgram.
raw		raw protocol access.

Protocol can be any protocol that the system supports.
These should be listed in the /etc/protocols file on most systems.
Those most likely to be used include "tcp", "udp", and "icmp".

SOCKET will return a file handle and TRUE if success, otherwise FALSE.

Once a socket has been created, it must be bound or connected before it can
be used.

Once a socket is finished with it should be CLOSE'd. Note that, for certain
types of pipelined protocols it may be necessary to SHUTDOWN one direction of
a socket sometime before closing it. This discussion is beyond the scope of this
document. Please read your system manuals for more information. Incoming

The BIND word is used to bind a socket to a port or Unix path on the local
machine. BIND takes as arguments a string representing the port or path, and a
file handle representing a newly created socket. BIND returns a boolean value
indicating success. eg.,

	sock @ '8080 bind

Before new connections may be accepted, the socket must be marked by LISTEN.
LISTEN takes a queue length and a file handle. The queue length is the maximum
number of incoming connections that the operating system should keep waiting
while a request is being completed. LISTEN returns nothing. eg.,

	5 sock @ listen

Once all of this is done we can begin to accept incoming connections. The word
ACCEPT takes a file handle as an argument, and returns a new handle
representing the connection accepted. It is the handle returned by ACCEPT that
future I/O operations should be performed on. eg.,

	sock @ accept client !

At this point the new socket should behave exactly like an ordinary file. One
useful operation that could be performed now is SENDFILE. SENDFILE is used to
transfer data from files to sockets from inside the kernel. Avoiding
unnecessary copies between kernel and user space. SENDFILE takes four 

	start count dst src sendfile 

Here, start and count represent the region of the source file to copy.  On
Linux the source file handle should never represent a socket. SENDFILE returns
the number of bytes actually copied. Outgoing

The word CONNECT initiates an outgoing connection on the given socket, returning
a boolean value indicating success. Additional arguments required by CONNECT
are the name and port (or path) of the remote endpoint. ie.,

	'80 'stoical.sf.net sock @ connect

After a socket has been CONNECT'ed you may use it like an ordinary file.

3.10. Threads

STOICAL uses the POSIX Threads interface to the operating system's lightweight
processes. Threads are used to achieve concurrency in execution, efficiency in
resources, and elegance in source code. Although the concepts of multi-threaded
programming are beyond the scope of this reference, the following sections will
attempt to explain the details of STOICAL's interface.

3.10.1. Creation

The THREAD word takes as its argument a reference to the word to serve as the
new threads point of entry. THREAD then returns a reference to the new thread.

	() foo thread detach

3.10.2. Data

When a new thread is born it inherits many pieces of information from its
parent. This includes a copy of the parameter stack up to the first marker
value, a copy of the vocabulary stack, open files, and etc. The new thread will
have a private vocabulary for containing new definitions, named PRIVATE<. As
well as fresh, empty loop, return, and compile stacks. Consistency

Because of the way the dictionary is arranged, new threads will be able to
invoke their parents words without conflict. However, if a thread is intended
to read or write variables defined in vocabularies accessible to its parent,
then the parent should declare them SHARED at the time of their definition.

The SHARED word tells STOICAL that access to the given object should be
serialized between threads. This eliminates the need for the programmer to
explicitly handle all of the various race conditions usually involved in
multi-threaded programming. The granularity of SHARED locking is currently per
word. That is to say, elements of an array will not be locked individually.
Below is an example of the definition of one such implicitly locked variable.

	10 'bar variable shared

3.10.3. Destruction

A thread ceases to exist once the word given as its point of entry has
terminated.  In order for all resources associated with a given thread to be
released, it is necessary for the creator of the thread to JOIN or DETACH it.

JOIN accepts a thread reference as its argument, and returns the given threads
exit value. If the thread is still running when JOIN is called, then JOIN will
block until it is finished. DETACH is similar, except that it does not wait for
the thread to end before returning. Threads that don't return any useful
information should be DETACH'ed as soon as they are created.

A thread may terminate itself at any time by invoking the word EXIT. EXIT takes
an integer value as its argument; This is the value that JOIN will then return
to its parent.

Likewise, a parent may terminate a child thread at any time by passing its
reference to the word CANCEL. CANCEL returns nothing.

The ME word can be used to retrieve a reference to the calling thread. However,
it should be noted that a thread which JOINs or DETACHs itself is brain
10. Portability

10.1. Compiler

STOICAL can be compiled on the wide variety of hardware supported by the Linux
kernel and GNU tools. It is even possible to compile STOICAL on any Unix
system for which GNU C Compiler can also be compiled by disabling the Linux
specific portions. In fact, by disabling enough features, one could compile
for DOS. Although, that wouldn't leave much of a language.

STOICAL has been built and tested on the following platforms:

Sparc - Linux 2.2 Debian 2.2
Alpha - Linux 2.2 Debain 2.2
PPC RS/6000 Linux 2.4 Debian 2.2
Intel x86/SMP Linux 2.4 Debian 2.3
Intel x86 - FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE

RS/6000 AIX 3.1 would be on the list too, but I seem to have misplaced my boot
media. ;-) 

10.2. Source

Thanks to the abstractions and data representations inside the compiler,
programs written in STOICAL should be 100% portable across platforms.
Providing, of course, that the build options on the target machine satisfy the
requirements of the particular program (ie., threads, regexs, ... ).

11. Glossary

11.1. Symbols

STOICAL uses a plethora of symbols designed to increase the brevity of source
code. Below is a list of common symbols along side their English
pronunciations. If the reader is already familiar with Forth, then most of
these should be second nature.

	!	store
	@	load
	?	fetch, query, conditionally.
	$	dollar, often string related.
	%	percent, comment.
	#	sharp, hash, the number sign (hence, #MATCH)
	^	circumflex, continuation.
	&	ampersand.
	*	asterisk, glob, bah
	.	dot, traditionally the symbol of pointers
	,	comma
	-	minus, dash, hyphen, to negate or reverse
	+	plus
	=	equals
	(	open paren, used for iteration and hashes
	)	close paren
	{	open brace, used for clauses
	}	close brace
	[	open bracket, used for lists and array indices
	]	close bracket
	<	open angle bracket, left arrow, into
	>	close angle bracket, right arrow, out from
	"	double quote
	'	quote. sometimes used as a suffix, meaning prime
	`	tick, back-tick
	~	tilde
	|	vertical bar, bar
	\	backslash, up
	/	slash, forward slash, down
	_	underscore
	:	colon, definition
	;	semicolon, termination

11.2. Terms

STOICAL has inherited a large amount of jargon from its predecessors Forth and
STOIC. What's more, it has created quite a bit of its own. Listed below are
some of the more obscure bits.

( This list is hardly complete )
	A procedure name consisting of sequence of ascii characters separated
	by white space. Also the procedure itself.
	A nameless, scope-less procedure.
	A Last In First Out buffer in memory. Often the parameter stack, used
	to pass data between invocations of WORDs

	A group of related WORDS
	The collective contents of all the vocabularies listed on the
	vocabulary STACK.

Colon Definition
	The definition of a procedural WORD.

	Unix light-weight process. A program may have many concurrent THREADs
	of execution.
	Top Of Stack - The newest item on the parameter STACK.
	Next To Top of stack, and so on.



----{ Array handling words }- - - -


   "ary[ 1 ]@"
   Push element number TOS from array TOS-1 onto the stack. If TOS is negative,
   index from the end of the array.


   "0 ary[ 3 ]!"
   Store TOS-2 in element TOS of array TOS-1. If TOS is negative, then it is
   taken to be an index from the last element of the array.


   "'foo ary[ ]push"
   Extend array TOS to include TOS-1.


   "ary[ ]pop ="
   Shorten array at TOS by one, leaving the orphaned element on the stack.
   If there are no elements left to pop, then return a stack marker.


   "1 ary[ 3 ]delete"
   Remove TOS-2 elements from array TOS-1, starting at index TOS and moving
   tword the end of the array. Array will be resized as necessary.


   "[ 1 2 3 ] ary[ 3 ]insert"
   Insert TOS-2 many elements from the stack into the array TOS-1 starting at
   offset TOS. Array will be resized as necessary.


   "hash( 'foo )@"
   Lookup the key named by TOS in the associative array at TOS-1. Return


   "0 hash( 'foo )!"
   Store TOS-2 as the value of key TOS in the hash TOS-1. If the key already
   exists, it's value will be replaced.


   "hash( 'foo )delete"
   Delete the key named at TOS from the associative array at TOS-1.


   "[ 1 2 3 ] 'foo array"
   Define an array. Name is at TOS, count at TOS-1, and first element at TOS-n


   "[ 'key1 1 'key2 2 'key3 3 ] 'foo hash"
   Define an associative array (hash table). The hash will grow and shrink
   as keys are added and deleted. There may be no duplicate keys, and the
   order in which keys were added cannot be retrieved. It is an error to
   initialize a hash with an odd number of elements.
   Name is at TOS, count at TOS-1, and first element at TOS-n

----{ Binary operators }- - - -


   "1 2 +"
   Perform floating point addition of TOS and TOS-1.


   "4 2 - ( 2 )"
   Subtract TOS from TOS-1.


   "10 5 / ( 5 )"
   Perform floating point division of TOS-1 by TOS.


   "5 2 * ( 10 )"
   Multiply TOS-1 by TOS.


   "10 4 mod ( 2 )"
   Integer divide TOS-1 by TOS, and
   return the remainder.


   "10 5 /mod - ( 2 0 )"
   Integer divide. Leaves both quotient and remainer on stack.


   Perform bitwise AND on TOS and TOS-1.


   Perform bitwise OR on TOS and TOS-1


   Perform bitwise eXclusive OR on TOS and TOS-1.


   "1 1 feq"
   Test TOS and TOS-1 for equality.


   "1 2 fne"
   Test TOS and TOS-1 for inequality.


   "1 2 lt"
   TRUE if TOS-1 is less than TOS.


   "2 1 gt"
   TRUE if TOS-1 is greater than TOS.


   "1 1 le"
   TRUE if TOS-1 is less than or equal to TOS.


   "1 1 ge"
   TRUE if TOS-1 is greater than or equal to TOS.


   "1 1 +"
   Add TOS and TOS-1. In the case of strings, TOS will be appended to TOS-1.


   Compare TOS against TOS-1 for equality

----{ Compiler words }- - - -


   Exit thread. Calling exit from the main thread, or with threads disabled,
   causes program termination. 


   End of command flag.


   End of line flag.


   "() foo DECOMPILE"
   Print a source version of the word addressed by TOS.


   Exite the process with the return value of TOS.


   Exit the entire process. (with return value of zero);


   Display the compiler prompt on the output device.


   Compile textual instruction from the TIB, stacking them onto the compile
   stack as we go.


   clear the compile stack


   Execute STOICAL source code in string at TOS.


   Execute the contents of the compile stack.

----{ Words for constructing conditionals }- - - -


   Return TRUE or FALSE based on whether TOS is a mark.


   Push current nesting depth.


   Increment nesting depth.


   Decrement nesting depth, generating a syntax error if the result is less
   then zero.


   Increments instruction pointer by the contents of the next
   value in the instruction steam.


   Tests TOS. If zero, the instruction pointer is incremented. Otherwise,
   instruction pointer is incremented by the contents of the next value in the
   instruction stream.


   "n {IF { ... }"
   Conditionally execute the following clause.
   Increment IP if TOS is equal to the FALSE value.


   Skip over the clause following us in the instruction stream

----{ Constants defined by the compiler }- - - -


   Push -1.


   Push 0.

----{ Dictionary manipulation words }- - - -


   Push the Instruction Pointer onto the return stack. Set IP to
   point just before the first location in the current word's parameter field.


   Execute a clause as if it were a word.


   "'foo :{ bar }"
   Create a new executable word in the dictionary consising of the following
   clause, and named by the string at TOS.


   "'foo :( s f ):{ bar }"
   Begin a type checked definition.  Pop the top entry off of the vocabulary
   stack. Push the address of ():{) onto the compile stack. Open a new clause.


   Begin typed colon definition.  There should be a type-number list
   representing the named word's type mask on the stack, terminated by a
   marker. Name follows this. The new clause will be appended to the word's
   clause table, or the word will be created if it doesn't exist. A new word
   will also be created if the previously defined version wasn't defined with
   type-checking enabled.


   "'name enter"
   Create an entry 'name in the vocabulary pointed to by CURRENT.


   Push IP onto the block stack. Set ip to point just before the first
   instruction of this clause.


   Similar to ({), except that IP - 3 is stored on the block stack instead.
   This results in the clause returning to a point two instructions head of
   where it was invoked. WHILE and friends exploit this behavior.


   Return from clause. Pop IP from the block stack.


   Pops an instruction pointer off the return stack. Used to terminate a colon
   definition's instruction portion.


   "'foo : 1 = ; immediate"
   Set the immediacy flag of the most recently defined word.


   Push the contents of the current word's parameter field onto the stack.


   "1 'foo constant"
   Define TOS to be a constant, with the value of TOS-1.
   Execute ENTER. Add set the code field of the new dictionary entry to point
   to (constant), place the value from TOS-1 in the word's parameter field.


   Push the address of the current word onto the stack.




   Copy the top of the vocabulary stack into "current".


   "'foo branch"
   Create a branch off of the current vocabulary, with the name found in TOS.


   "'foo address"
   Lookup the address of the string TOS in the dictionary. Error if


   Push a pointer to the vocabulary entry for the calling word onto the stack.


   The TYPES< vocabulary contains constants that map type names to their numeric
   values. The the word :( pushes this vocabulary onto the vocabulary stack to
   expose the names durring definition. Both the abbreviated and verbose
   type names may be used here. Below is a list of the short and long names:
   short		long
   *		bah	( don't care )
   f		float
   s		string
   r		reference
   p		pointer
   io		stream 	( file / socket )
   a		array
   h		hash 
   c		clause


   "1 'foo CONSTANT"
   Define a new constant with the name at TOS and the value of TOS-1.


   "1 'foo VARIABLE"
   Define a new variable with the name at TOS and the value of TOS-1.

----{ Error handling words }- - - -


   Test for under/overflow on all stacks and print appropriate error


   Reset compiler to a sane state, and return control to the keyboard.

----{ Input / Output words }- - - -


   "'.. chdir"
   Change to the directory named by TOS. Returns a boolean value indicating


   "'foo 0 mkdir"
   Create a new directory. With name at TOS-1, and mode at TOS. Returns a
   boolean value indicating success.


   "'foo rmdir"
   Remove the directory named in the string at TOS. Will fail if the directory
   is not empty. Returns a boolean success.


   "'foo unlink"
   Remove file named by TOS from the file system. Returns a boolean success.


   "'foo mkfifo"
   Create a special file of the FIFO variety with the name at TOS-1, and the
   permissions at TOS. Returns boolean success.


   "0 umask"
   Set the process's new file permissions mask to the value at TOS.


   "'foo 'r+ open"
   Open the file named by TOS-1 with the mode spelled out in the string at
   TOS. Modes are of the form "r+", etc. Returns a handle for the file, and
   a boolean success.


   "'foo 'r open drop CLOSE"
   Close the file handle at TOS and free its resources


   "address count handle WRITE"
   Copy 'count' bytes from 'address' to the file or socket described by 'handle'
   Returns the number of bytes actually transfered.


   "address count handle READ"
   Copy 'count' bytes form the file or socket described by handle, into the
   memory at 'address' Returns the number of bytes actually transfered.


   "'foo handle WRITELN"
   Write the string at TOS-1 to the file or socket described by the handle
   at TOS.


   "handle READLN"
   Read a line of text from a file/socket handle. Return the text (including
   newline) and TRUE if a string could be read, or FALSE if end of file was
   reached and no bytes were read.


   "handle flush"
   Flush the buffers for the file/socket represented by the handle at TOS.


   "offset whence file seek"
   Change the possition indicator of the given stream.  TOS-3 is the number of
   bytes to move. TOS-2 is one of 1, 0 or -1, for makeing the offset relative
   to the start of the file, the current possition, or the end of the file,


   "'filename [ 'mode 'atime ... ] stat"
   Get file statistics. TOS (n) is number of items in attribute list.
   TOS - n is the name of the file to stat. Leaves stat values in the order
   specified on the stack and TRUE if all went well. Otherwise, just return
   The attribute list may contain any number of the following:
   'dev		- device
   'ino		- inode
   'mode	- permissions
   'nlink	- number of hard links
   'uid		- user id of owner
   'gid		- group id of owner
   'rdev	- device type
   'blksize	- block size for file i/o
   'blocks	- number of blocks allocated to file
   'atime	- time of last access
   'mtime	- time of last modification
   'ctime	- time of last change


   Variable containing address of current character input word.


   Variable containing address of current character output word.


   Variable containing address of current line input word.


   Variable containing address of current line output word.


   Execute word who's address is stored in the variable IN. The word to be
   executed should read a single character from the input device, and return
   it an integer representing the ascii value entered.


   "48 put"
   Execute word who's address is stored in the variable OUT. The word to be
   executed should print the single character represented by the ascii
   code at TOS, to the output device.


   "48 ttyput"
   Output character to terminal


   Input a character from terminal.


   Execute word who's address is stored in the variable INLN. The word to be
   executed should read a line from the input device, and return it as a
   string striped of its newline.


   "'foo count putln"
   Execute word who's address is stored in the variable OUTLN. The word to be
   executed should output TOS many bytes of the memory at TOS-1 to the output


   "'foo count ttyputln"
   Output string to terminal


   Input line from the terminal (strip newline)


   "'. opendir"
   Open directory named by TOS. Leaves on the stack a directory pointer and
   TRUE if call succeeds, otherwise it just leaves FALSE.


   "dir close"
   Close the directory referenced by the handle at TOS.


   "dir readdir"
   Push the name of the next entry in directory pointed to by TOS onto
   the stack and TRUE. If end of directoy is hit, just push FALSE.


   "sock accept"
   Accept a connection on the socket at TOS. Returns a new socket
   representing the connection accepted.


   "'name 'port sock connect"
   Initiate a connection to 'name at port 'port on the socket sock.


   Just line rdline, but when input is from something other than a 
   terminal. Routines that change the input stream must also change
   the code pointer in the rdline vocabulary entry accordingly.
   (This is to avoid constantly checking where input is coming from)


   Read a line of input into the Terminal Input Buffer.


   Type the top of stack in a pretty fashion.


   Output a newline.


   Output a space.


   Output TOS spaces.


   Output a tab character.

----{ Words for constructing iterations }- - - -


   "4 ( i = )"
   Push innermost loop index onto the parameter stack.


   "4 ( 4 ( j = ) )"
   Push next innermost loop index onto the parameter stack.


   "4 ( 4 ( 4 ( k = ) ) )"
   Push next, next innermost loop index onto the parameter stack.


   Add TOS to top of loop stack, otherwise the same as loop.


   Note that this version differs from STOIC's in that it sets up the loop
   stack so that '-i' produces sane results.
   Increment IP by the value of the next item in the instruction stream if TOS
   is less than, or equal to 0. This handles the case that the iteration count
   given to us amounts to 0 times. Otherwise, push a zero and the value of TOS
   plus 2, followed by TOS, onto the loop stack.

----{ Literal handling words }- - - -


   Push the literal following us in the intruction stream onto the stack,

----{ Arithmetic words }- - - -


   Return a pseudo-random number.


   "123 srand"
   Reset the random seed to the value of TOS.


   Current number conversion radix.


   "<# # #>"
   Print single digit in current radix. Divide the number at TOS by the current
   radix, leaving the quotient on the stack. Convert the remainder to an ascii
   digit and output it using #put.


   "40 <# #s #>
   Convert entire number to a string and output it. Execute # until TOS becomes
   zero. # will always be executed at least once.


   Convert the number at TOS to a string. Leave the length at TOS, and a pointer
   to the first character of the string at TOS-1.


   Set radix to octal.


   Set radix to decimal.


   Set radix to hexadecimal.

----{ Words that change how STOICAL sees program source }- - - -


   "'filename load"
   Transfer execution to the STOICAL source file named by TOS. Internally,
   load will the current input file pointer, rdline Code Address, and prompt
   CA on the loop stack, and then begin executing the file named by TOS.


   "'filename include"
   This is the same as load, with the filename being relative to the stoical
   library root. (/usr/local/lib/stoical/)


   Close the current input file, and restore input, rdline and prompt
   from the loop stack to their values at the last LOAD.

----{ Stack manipulation words }- - - -


   "CELLS idrop"
   Push the number of occupied parameter stack cells onto the stack.


   Leave a mark on the stack that is unique from any other object that
   might occupy a stack cell. This mark can later be used to restore the
   stack to the level it was at when the mark was placed.


   "( a b - b a )"
   Swap TOS with TOS-1.


   "( a - )"
   Discard the value on top of the stack.


   "( a - a a )"
   Duplicate TOS.


   "( a b - a b a )"
   Duplicate TOS-1.


   "( a b c - c a b )"
   Rotate the top three stack cells backwards by one position.


   "( a b c - b c a )"
   Rotate the top three stack cells forwards by one position.


   "( a b c - c b a )"
   Swap TOS and TOS-2.

   "1 "
   Push the top of the loop stack. 

   Push the top of the compile stack.


   "'foo 3 retype"
   Set type of TOS-1 to the value of TOS. 


   "[ 1 2 3 ]"
   Push parameter stack pointer onto the loop stack. ']' will use this


   "[ 1 2 3 ]"
   Calculate how many items have been added to the parameter stack since
   '[' left the pointer for us on the loop stack. Push the result. 

----{ String handling words }- - - -


   "'foo 'bar cat"
   Concatenate two strings.
   Note: use + instead.


   "'foo COUNT"
   Leaves the address of the preceding string plus one at TOS-1 and it's count
   byte at TOS.


   "'foo count TYPE"
   Output a string who's address is at TOS-1 and who's length is at TOS.


   "'foo count STYPE"
   Takes the same input as TYPE, but leaves its output on the stack instead
   of printing it. That is to say, given a pointer and a count byte, it will
   return a pointer to a new string beginning with that count byte, and with
   the same contents as the source string. 


   "'foo msg"
   Print the string addressed by TOS.
   Note: use = instead.


   Scan keyboard buffer for the next word. Skip leading white space.
   Treat Everything between quotes as a single word. Set eol to true if the
   end of line was reached while scanning.


   "( '1.23 - 1.23 )"
   Evaluate the string at TOS. If the string represents an integer or
   floating point literal then leave its value at TOS-1 and TRUE at TOS.


   Return a pointer to an emtpy string of length TOS.

----{ Words for interacting with Unix }- - - -


   Array containing the command line arguments passed by the shell. 
   Element zero is the name of the program.


   "'ls system"
   Execute a shell to run the command reflected in the string at TOS.
   Leaves the shell's return value on the stack.


   "'PWD env>"
   Replace string at TOS with the STRING value of the environment variable by
   that name. (Or FALSE if not found)


Copyright (c) 2002 Jonathan Moore Liles